Utah Asbestos Cancer Lawyer

If you or a family member has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you likely know that there is currently no known cure — and that this disease is caused by asbestos exposure on the job or in another location where asbestos dust was prevalent. Exposure to asbestos has also been linked to cancers of the lung, throat and stomach — often preceded by the onset of lung-scarring asbestosis.

In addition to the sadness and grief you feel if you have asbestos cancer or asbestosis, you are likely concerned about the tremendous costs of medical treatment and the impact on your loved ones' futures. To discuss your diagnosis, work history and potential legal action against the company responsible for your serious illness, please contact us at Elegal.

Bringing Together Decades of Experience in Asbestos Litigation

Our partners and associate attorneys, including Jeffrey Eisenberg and Robert Gilchrist, have experience representing victims of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. As of late 2009, we are one of very few law firms — if not the only one — actively filing claims in the Salt Lake City area. We are highly familiar with:

  • The history of asbestos exposure in facilities operated by Geneva Steel, Kennecott Utah Copper, and other major employers across a range of industries 
  • How to construct a clear picture showing when your asbestos exposure occurred and whose negligence in warning or protecting you makes them liable for damages 
  • Medical evidence and testimony required to illustrate the costs of treatments that may include chemotherapy, radiotherapy or other treatment 
  • Compelling strategies for presentation of the overall impact of your mesothelioma or other cancer, in an all-out effort to maximize your settlement or jury verdict at trial 

Free Consultation — Representation on a Full Contingency Basis

Mesothelioma sufferers and their families face an extremely tough challenge, and our lawyers are dedicated to finding valid legal precedents and approaches that can ease some of the burden. We strive to be caring counselors and advocates that make a meaningful difference for our clients' futures and financial well-being. For a free consultation to discuss your rights and available legal options, please call or e-mail us today.