Services And Support For Families Dealing With TBI

As attorneys and advocates for victims of traumatic brain injury (TBI), we strive to anticipate the future needs of our clients. We realize that there are also immediate concerns while we are building a case and challenges that remain after litigation is settled.

At Elegal, we are happy to answer questions throughout the legal process, and help with insurance claims and legal issues connected to the injury accident and medical treatment. Our experienced lawyers have a working knowledge of legal issues and medical issues surrounding traumatic brain injuries. We strive to be a resource and source of support to clients, and we also have the resources to refer our clients to medical experts who can meet their medical needs.

Our team often relies on the professionals at the following phenomenal organizations, and we can heartily recommend them as resources for TBI victims and their family members:

The Brain Institute of the University of Utah Medical Center ( — These renowned experts can address diagnosis, extent of impairment and maximum medical progress, and guide families through all facets of recovering from a brain injury and learning how to live with an altered life style:

  • Occupational therapy to relearn basic skills and self care 
  • Physical therapy to adapt to impairments or learn to walk again 
  • Speech therapy, if language was impaired 
  • Vocational rehabilitation to pursue a new line of gainful employment 
  • Psychological counseling for the patient and caregivers 

The Brain Injury Association of Utah ( — The BIAU offers information, resources and support for all aspects of traumatic brain injury. Members include other TBI victims and their family members who are coping with these misunderstood injuries and many of the same issues you will encounter:

  • Coping with symptoms and life changes from brain injury 
  • Connecting with support groups 
  • Finding group home, assisted living or home nursing care 
  • Exploring available government programs and community-based services 
  • Dealing with educational, employment and legal hurdles 

Our firm has connections with brain injury specialists and TBI support organizations in Utah, Colorado and nationwide, as well as certified life care planners and other professionals with whom we work closely to determine the future needs of our clients so that we can ensure that those needs will be covered.

Proven Advocates For Utah Brain Injury Victims

If you suspect your loved one has brain damage because of the negligence of others, seek medical treatment immediately and contact our Salt Lake City law firm. We take cases statewide and provide a free initial consultation.