Full Compensation for Your Utah Bicycle Accident

A cyclist is completely vulnerable in a collision with a car. A helmet and padded clothes are better than nothing, but no match for a motor vehicle even at low speed. Moreover, the victim is often struck broadside, sideswiped or clipped from behind with no opportunity to take evasive action or brace for the impact.

Count yourself lucky if you escaped with minor injuries. Unfortunately, bicycle accidents most often result in very serious and even catastrophic, life-changing injuries. At Elegal, it is our mission to hold the careless driver (or negligent manufacturer) fully accountable for the injuries their negligent conduct has caused.

If you, your child or any family member was involved in a serious bike accident, call our Salt Lake City law firm at 801.366.9100 or e-mail us to arrange a free consultation. We take cases statewide in Utah.

Salt Lake City Lawyers Familiar With Bike Accident Injuries

We've seen it all, but every time we represent an injured cyclist or grieving family we are compelled to do everything we can to maximize compensation. From experience and research, we know the value of injuries as well as the defense tactics of the insurance companies.

We have recovered settlements and verdicts for the full spectrum of bicycle injuries:

  • Skull fractures and brain injury
  • Spinal cord injuries and back injuries
  • Shattered bones and multiple fractures
  • Internal injuries
  • Facial and dental injuries
  • Disabling leg and foot injuries
  • Road rash, lacerations and scarring

Many of our clients have incurred substantial medical bills for emergency treatment, reconstructive surgery or extensive physical therapy. In addition to the costs of these services, we work hard to help our clients recover compensation for disfigurement, pain and suffering, loss of income, and any other services our clients may need to become whole again or adapt to life with a permanent disability.

We work with a wide array of medical and life-care planning experts who are well qualified and trained to provide the best care to our clients and to ensure that our clients' future needs are fully addressed. Contact us today and let Elegal provide you with the proven representation you deserve.