Understanding Eviction Laws in Utah

Navigating the realm of evictions can be an arduous and time-consuming journey, demanding the attention and efforts of both lessors and lessees alike. Fortunately, in Utah, a meticulously crafted framework exists to address this intricate procedure with utmost fairness. Within the confines of the state, tenants may find themselves entangled in eviction proceedings overseen by the Utah Residential Rental Agreement Act and the Utah Fit Premises Act. These remarkable statutes lay the foundation for legal obligations that bind both landlords and tenants, ensuring a harmonious coexistence within the realm of rental agreements.

The Eviction Process

Stage 1: Lease Violation

If a tenant breaks the lease rules, they might have to leave the place. Things that could cause problems with your lease are not paying rent, not following the lease rules, or doing illegal stuff on the property. 

Stage 2: Issuing Notice

If there’s a violation, the landlord just needs to give the tenant a written notice. Different notices are sent based on the type of violation.

Types of Notices in Utah

  1. Three-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit: When rent payment falls overdue, landlords issue this specific notice. If the rent remains unpaid for three consecutive calendar days, tenants are legally obligated to vacate the premises.
  2. Three-Day Notice to Comply with Lease Terms or Quit: In case of a lease violation, tenants receive a detailed notice specifying the breach. The lessee then has a three-day period, starting from the notice’s receipt, to rectify the violation or vacate the premises.
  3. Three-Day Notice for Nuisance: If tenants engage in disruptive or criminal activities, landlords possess the authority to initiate eviction proceedings after a three-day grace period. During this timeframe, tenants are required to vacate the premises.
  4. Five-Day Notice to Vacate: Tenants-at-will, who lack a written lease agreement, benefit from an eviction safeguard granting them a notice period of only five days from the lessor before they are required to vacate the premises.

Stage 3: Eviction Lawsuit

If tenants fail to respond within the designated time frame, landlords have the option to initiate an Unlawful Detainer action, essentially commencing an eviction lawsuit. Once the lawsuit is filed, a summons is issued by the court and subsequently served on the tenant.

Stage 4: Court Hearing and Judgment

A hearing will take place where both the landlord and tenant can present their arguments to the judge. If the ruling favors the landlord, an Order of Restitution will be issued, granting permission for the eviction of the tenant.

Utah Eviction Timelines

A female holding an eviction notice in a blurred background

The speed at which an eviction is completed can vary depending on the type of notice served and the tenant’s response, or lack thereof. Here is a brief overview of typical time frames:

  • 3 Days: Intimation period for payment or vacate, abide or vacate, and disturbance
  • 5 Days: Notification period for tenants-at-will
  • 5-7 Days: After filing an eviction lawsuit, the renter receives a court summons within this timeframe. The summons informs tenants of legal proceedings.
  • 10-14 Days: From summons issued, the court hearing is usually arranged. The judge hears both sides’ arguments and evidence.
  • 24-48 Hours: Tenants have 24–48 hours to move after the court issues the Order of Restitution. After the eviction, the renter has this time to leave.


Whether you are a lessor or lessee in Utah, it is crucial to acquaint yourself with your rights and responsibilities in the context of evictions. The Utah Fit Premises Act and the Utah Residential Rental Agreement Act ensure that legal safeguards and obligations are in place to maintain fairness throughout the eviction process. If you find yourself facing an eviction, seeking guidance from a qualified attorney is advisable. These professionals can provide expert advice to ensure that all actions are in accordance with the law and protect your rights.


Q: How long does it take to evict a tenant in Utah?

A: The duration of the entire eviction procedure can range from a few weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the violation, the type of notice issued, and the efficiency of the legal process.

Q: How fast can you evict someone in Utah?

A: Provided that all necessary measures are promptly executed, starting from the initial notice to the issuance of the final Order of Restitution, it is possible to complete the eviction process within a few weeks.

Q: How late can you pay rent before eviction in Utah?

A: In Utah, when rent payments are received after the due date, landlords have the right to demand payment or request that the tenant vacate the premises within a three-day period. Tenants, on the other hand, are given three days to settle the overdue rent, failing which eviction proceedings may be initiated.

Q: What is a 5 day notice to vacate to a tenant-at-will in Utah?

A: In the absence of a lease agreement, a tenant-at-will is granted a grace period of five days to vacate the premises upon receiving a notice to vacate. In situations where landlords intend to terminate the lease agreement, they must furnish the tenant with a minimum notice period of five days.